Monday, July 7, 2008

[And I had no idea it'd get this sticky...]


“…consists of any unit of cultural information, such as a practice or idea, that gets transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. Examples include thoughts, ideas, theories, practices, habits, songs, dances and moods.

Meme-theorists contend that memes evolve by natural selection (similarly to Darwinian biological evolution) through the processes of variation, mutation, competition, and inheritance influencing an individual entity's reproductive success. So with memes, some ideas will propagate less successfully and become extinct, while others will survive, spread, and, for better or for worse, mutate.”


What makes everyone want to wear those Palestinian scarves?

Why are we all running around like maniacs, trying to make sure that we’re wearing the freshest kicks when all we’re doing is going to a dance class where they’ll be scuffed?

Who told everyone that rump shakin’ videos weren’t degrading and kind of tacky? … Cuz last time I checked…well…you know me well enough…


These little buggers get around like viruses – infecting folk through speech and thought and media.

It seems to me that successful idea dissemination is measured by its acceptance by the many – lo, nobody gives a crap about those things that are accepted by the few.

Sad and honest truth – no matter what scene you’re in or how “underground” you think you are.

We have seen over and over that how widely accepted an idea is does not necessarily have a direct correlation to its value - amazing works and valid ideas are oftentimes lost in the cracks while the painfully average and ridiculous are generally accepted as being the best thing since Ipod earbuds.

It is through this that we’ve done a really fine job of landing ourselves in a pit – culturally speaking. Our music is over processed, our art is uninspired, and our dance? Well, let’s just look at what “they” are calling dance these days…CLICK

I dunno…maybe my distaste stems from the fact that I’m horribly jealous – or maybe I’m just not an “ass man.” In any case, where are the folks who are determined to bring art back? Our world is shattering around us like many, many eggs on a Halloween night.

Disgusting. Sticky…and jeez – the rank stench that it’s giving off is intolerable.

I know you’re out there lurking in your little coffee shops and slaving away in your studios…But these times you see - are getting desperate. It’s time to show your face.

In an information driven society – sticks and stones break no bones. Our thoughts and dreams are weapons of the realest nature…But only if we utilize them as such. The only way we can save our respective art forms – dethrone current ideologies and break existing stereotypes…is to get up and rock – and roll too for that matter.

I know for me – this means utilizing dance more as a form of radical communication. Oh boy oh boy are there tricks up these sleeves...

[BODY JERK hip-hop dance can become something viable too. nyc hip-hop dance can be taken back. nyc hip-hop dance can be a method of radical communication. nyc hip-hop dance can be therapeutic. nyc hip-hop dance can make your soul light up. dance is my religion. I am a hip-hop dance activist. You can be an nyc hip-hop dance activist too. We use dance as a mode of radical communication. Like urban gypsies, we flood the streets, sampling culture . nyc Hip-Hop was born of soul and sample. Become an nyc hip-hop dance student. Become an nyc hip-hop dance educator. Become an nyc hip-hop dance activist. BODY JERK ]

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