Saturday, August 9, 2008


I have been going through a rather tumultuous time of the heart.
It seems the universe would like to test my limits, my compassion for humans, my spiritual awareness...But yo - never underestimate the lessons learned during the hurricane and tumult. While I have every reason to focus on the beings and doings and feelings, I've been trying to focus more on the growth and the magic that has been coming out of the situation.

I was told by an old lover - there are folks who go to art school - learn to make what people want to see; Learn to fit themselves in a box and put their art on a canvas - hang it up, make it look real pretty in a gallery with shiny white walls and philanthropists jerking eachother off while they say words like FIVE THOUSAND and TWENTY TWO HUNDRED...
and there are folks who feel the burning and churning in their gut; see the need for change and social reform, can't help but create because if they don't they will die.

That said, I've got a lot of weight on my shoulders right now to effectively create the way I was meant to - I've been slacking and I've been inspired - too inspired, I'd the point where it's distracting because I can't sort my inspiration out into neat little piles...or even big sloppy piles...

I saw {::this::} video today. What Tom14 is doing in Barcelona touched my spirit in a way that yea, it's been touched before - but wow....MONSTER ULTRA BAM - I'm hit and I'm hit hard.

He approaches his painting and music the way I need to be approaching my crafts more. I share his views - but holy cow...this man is about being spontaneous and proactive.

The Counter Culture Collective aims to do the same with their dancing. I'm excited to see how far down the rabbit hole this project will take me...

WATCH. LISTEN. BREATHE. FEEL. LEARN. BE. DO. [inter]ACT.[counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective counter culture collective]

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